Projecting sales at events


Full Fledged Farker
Jul 3, 2013
St Paul, MN
Im looking to vend at a few events this summer, and wondering how some of you plan for sales. One event, I'm looking at, is expecting 4,000-5,000 ppl to attend, and are allowing 6 vendors.
I'm pretty conservative when it comes to vending (I'd rather run out than make too much). So, someone on this forum mentioned this method and it's worked very well for us: Take the number the organizer gives you, cut it in half, and then divide that number by the number of vendors to get your amounts. So in your case: 6000/2=3000/6=500 servings.
Sure wish I could give you a really good answer, the previous comments are all good starting points, but the guy that can really figure this out will become a very wealthy man. Try as I might I never really know what to expect, and when I do, it changes. I do agree, I would rather run out that to take food home (my neighbors love me when I have a slow event or mis- figure)