Pork in The Park

I should be rolling in late Thursday afternoon. Anyone interested in getting together a trip to O.C. for dinner Thursday night? I know a place where they make outstanding orange crushes!

That wouldn't by any chance be Hardorside would it?....:laugh:
That wouldn't by any chance be Hardorside would it?....:laugh:

It might be.......not only do they make a great crush, but have some awesome burgers and a really nice seared ahi tuna appetizer with a wasabi cream sauce. Mickey Finns is pertty good, too. And The Shark has a fantastic voodoo surf and turf......it's not on the menu but if you ask them, they'll make it.
We'll be there! :) Can't wait!

Got a favor to ask - our rocks stoker exploded Saturday. Anyone have a guru with WSM adapter we could borrow? (Giving up on stoker, switching over but it doesn't look like we'll be able to get one before the comp.)

I have a Guru you can borrow, however I don’t have the specific adapter you are looking for. If you get the adapter, im happy to let you use the guru. Let me know.
We'll be there! :) Can't wait!

Got a favor to ask - our rocks stoker exploded Saturday. Anyone have a guru with WSM adapter we could borrow? (Giving up on stoker, switching over but it doesn't look like we'll be able to get one before the comp.)

If you give the Guru guys a call, I'm sure they would bring what you need to the contest.
Who's going to be at Pork in the Park this year. I will be there Friday night and will stop by and say hello.

Good luck to everyone.
I was planning on arriving Thursday evening about 5pm or so. But it looks like I will not be able to leave home until 5pm Thursday now. It's about a 5.5 hour trip for me and would hate to wake everyone in the middle of the night setting up shop. So I think I'll pull into the Wal-Mart parking lot off Rt.13 and crash for the night, and roll into the park about 8am Friday morning, just in time for one of Keith's orange breakfast drinks.
Slower Lower BBQ will be there Thursday afternoon.

I had a great time last year. I just hope the band plays "Stairway to Freebird" numerous times.
Smokerhead will also be rolling in on Thursday afternoon.

Or Evening, depending on how long it takes to find decent parsley.
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