Pike Place Market Seattle, WA - March 29-30, 2008

Cool location! I think I'd be catching some flying salmon if I were there! Wow! Hourly turn ins! Gonna mark this on my calendar for next year...! Have a great time! Go Brethren!

Yours in BBQ,

Wow... that would be a cool event to do. I've only been there once, but would love to come out and cook with someone next year.
My sis-in-law lives in Seattle, and i've put a bug in her ear about this contest.. so, she may be wandering around. They love BBQ. Her BF is going to Jeff. city with me in a couple of weeks. Probably be bit of a culture shock for him:lol:
Pike Place Market is fantasic.
With or without BBQ :lol:

Have a great time and let us know how it goes.

Wow... that would be a cool event to do. I've only been there once, but would love to come out and cook with someone next year.

Gonna mark this on my calendar for next year...! Have a great time! Go Brethren!

maybe the National Team should make an appearance next year. I would be in, Seattle is one of my favorite places.

Think thats early for fishing though isn't it?
Lets kick it around for next year! I'm judging this weekend. Just be sure to pack your Winter clothes, it's snowing right now, but who knows what could happen Sunday!
Pike's Place Market Comp...

Here are a few shots from the comp today...I'm sure a few other folks will post as well. We didn't compete today..Swamprb did the judging thing and I worked the PNWBA booth.

Click on pic...

Man that looked like fun and really makes me want to go out and get into the fray myself. Another 2 months wait for us though.