Ozark Oak Charcoal Lump


Knows what a fatty is.
Dec 29, 2012
In preparation for my WSM 22.5 in my "very near" future I have combed your site for info on various categories. I found several members here mention OZARK OAK LUMP. There was also some concern about OZARK being a rare commodity in their neighborhood.

I was just at "SUPER 1 FOODS" (I have three in the neighborhood) and found that along with Royal Oak Charcoal, they also carry OZARK OAK LUMP......

SO.... If you have a SUPER 1 FOODS in your area, but no OZARK on the shelf, ask the manager. There may be a possiblity of getting it.... :clap:

I'm still looking for ROYAL OAK LUMP in my area. Yes, I believe in being prepared...... :clap:
You will find that the Royal Oak charcoal briquettes work very nicely in your WSM. I like them for my kettle.
YES, the information I keep seeing supports Royal Oak Charcoal & Lump, Wicked Good Lump, and Ozark Oak Lump .......
I have issues with paying $1/lb for charcoal. Maybe because I'm a cheap sumb!tch :grin: if you have an Academy by you, pick up some B&B lump. Almost half the price of Ozark, and it usually has nice big pieces of lump in the bag.
I've tried Ozark once it was a dollar a pound when I bought it, I told the guy I use B&B he said I would never go back to it after using this. Later when I went to dump some lump in the chimney starter a big metal strap fell out lol I thought man this isn't starting off well but I did like the stuff but it just didn't have that much of a oak flavor on my meat, I still use B&B to this day ...true story

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