SmACk TaWK NYS Championship. 4th annual Battle of The BBQ Brethren. August 7-8.

Team count is climbing.. Rich got 7 applications today. think we are over 20 now.

Will be there!
I would really like to be there, but pressing work engangements keep me away. I will be there in spirit though...
In this, our second Battle of the BBQ Brethren Competition, the Polocks declare our site as a Junkie Free Zone.

no junkies.gif
awww that sux! Keith Richards, Slash, Mike Ness and I were going to stop by.

Sorry about that Sean. As the story goes, Saturday night during the first Battle of the BBQ Brethren in Sayville, my wife, my sister in law Ruth, Clint and I were sitting at our site shooting the breeze when this character walks into the site and sits down. I turn to him and ask him what he wants and he says, "I am not feeling so good, I just need a place to shoot up". Clint turned to me and said to me, "who's that?". I looked at Clint and said "it's a junkie looking for some place to get high". Clint got up and escorted the guy away.