Nevadan bound for the bayou

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Currently serving out a term in Reno, Nevada "The Biggest Little City in the World". However, my B is calling me from my future home in southwest Louisiana. Not to worry, I have another (quality cooker) sitting on my back porch, here in Reno. I have looked over the mods with great interest and so far I ordered a basket from Allen. I see a real need for a flame deflector and a heat deflector in the smoke side of the B.

I have been working on my brisket technique with many trials and errors. Slowly we are getting the hang of low and slow. I have apple marinated a turkey and made the best baby backs that I (and many friends) have ever slung a lip over.

I have kept my eye out for a store selling banderas out west, with no luck. From what I've seen it's all about grillin'. Thats just a shame!

I have been lurking for about six months now. You guys are great! It's all about helping each other out and a few healthy laughs.

I'm BayouBound
Welcome and glad you have found help and amusement. Join in often.

Welcome, brother, welcome. I too had a hell of a time finding a bandera in my part of the country. Never did, in fact. I have a Cimarron, and like you, I'm plodding through the learning curve.

This is, IMHO, THE place for great BBQ info. I could never have gotten started without my brothers. I also have not laughed as hard in any web site I've been to. This is a little heaven, with your friends.

Make sure to send some peanuts to Bill, apparently he needs them. :lol:
Welcome to the group and jump right in. This place is a riot.....
When you get to Loosiana....(did I read that're moving?).....find a local Academy. They
have Bandera's.

Welcome to the group!
BB, welcome, glad to have you with us. Very nice post over on the boudin thread. Can't wait to here your thoughts on jambalaya (sorry brian more rice). Maybe some of that bandera sausage might make its way next to some shrimp. Pull up to your PC and pop a top and you're at the best waterin' hole in the country.
DFLittle said:

Glad you found us helpful - between peanut jokes!

I agree with DF, Thanks for hanging in there with us. Not all of us can or will attempt to cook year round, so the peanut thread has been a binding agent through the slow times. We have a lot of fun, and sometimes take topics off track, but when it get's down to the serious questions, there isn't a better bunch to ask than this crew. I know I'm proud to be one of them!
But most of all, I'm thankful I'm west of Bill! PPPPPPPPPPP UUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!
Welcome Bayou.

The Bayou Bio you gave indicates you are either in the military, or you are in a minimum security prison.

Is serving a term a code word for sentence?

And who the heck is B?


Welcome Brother.

Glad to see you posting.
willkat98 said:
Welcome Bayou.

The Bayou Bio you gave indicates you are either in the military, or you are in a minimum security prison.

Is serving a term a code word for sentence?

And who the heck is B?


Welcome Brother.

Glad to see you posting.
I am not in prison. However, since I am just a few short years from retirement age from my local government, it sometimes feels like a prison sentence.

My "B" is my lonesome bandera. Here I sit in northern Nevada while my B is on Black Bayou in S.W. Louisiana. It is awaiting my arrival this coming June. This will only be a visit. In a few short years it is my hope that we will be united down in that misty swamp for lots of great cookouts in our "outdoor kitchen". The wood here in Nevada desert just doesn't compare with that in the south.

My wife is cajun. This is the reason for our move. I have taken the girl out of the swamp. They say that, "You can take the girl out of the swamp, but you can't take the swamp out of the girl". It is my wish to return her to that alligator infested part of the world. The food and the culture in that part of the world can't be beat! Any alligator recipies out there?
BayouBound said:
Currently serving out a term in Reno, Nevada "The Biggest Little City in the World".

Wouldn't happen to be serving out a sentence at O'Fallon Navel Air Station would you? Welcome!

Thanks BB for the splaining.

I love the food from down there, and hope you get to post some good recipes from your collection.
I work in City, hence, "The Biggest Little City in the World". I also own and operate the business at, The Biggest Little City in the World dot com, on the side.

Fallon Naval Air Station is 60 miles to the east and the present home of the Top Gun school. Funny how the navy likes to fly in the desert. I know a few Air Guard flyers but nobody from Fallon.

As for cooking, I was raised with no seasonings in my life. My wife and in-laws changed all that. Now, I am reaching the age where I want to do something else (besides think about work) and I thought that BBQ and cajun cooking would make a great past-time. I have found some great recipies at, a friend from the south is helping me with my brisket, and I bought a stack of BBQ books from Amazon.

Life will be much more relaxed once we get moved. It's just that there isn't enough time.. Everything is rush, rush out west. Maybe it's the lack of humidity?

You are going to go thru a major altitude - attitude - and especially humdity mod - have fun.

Glad you cleared that up. I was stationed ouside of San Francisco, in-laws live in Reno, Aunt & Uncle live outside of O'Fallon. Used to know your area pretty well. Plenty of BBQ advice here, not much gumbo experience that I know of. Could be wrong...somebody will let me know if I am.
Mike, Bill, Al, Mr. Kick and all the rest of you all. (Ya'll for my southern pals),
Went to Sam's, Wal-Mart, Lowe's and Home Depot yesterday. Still no Banderas here in town. I even visited our local BBQ grill store. They sell overpriced Webers and a bunch of way overprices grills. What's with these people! To there credit I did see a few smokers, the tin can types and some (too) small smokers. I need some volume.

I would really like to purchase one more for my other home. We usually feed ten hungry sons-O'-guns at a time. They want my baby backs. Those psudo-smokers just won't do.

Am I single handedly trying to populate the west with smokers? I share the frustration with the bretheren out west.

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