naked buffalo butts (jalapeno stuffed chicken thighs)

  • Thread starter Rick's Tropical Delight
  • Start date

Rick's Tropical Delight

gunrunner2491 posted a recipe for buffalo butts... i didn't remember it exactly when i was at the store, so these are naked with no bacon, but there's thin sliced ham capping the jalapeno and i sprinkled a little light brown sugar on them at the end! :biggrin:

brothers, these are farkin incredible! thanks gunrunner!



Somebody get me a napkin.....they look great. You got to love sweet taters too. Thanks for sharing.
Good lookin' eats! I think I'll try the ham instead of bacon next time. Brown sugar was an interesting touch also.
Bet it was good.
That's pretty sweet looking! I need to look up that recipe.

Also, what's the point of the stainless rack on top of the other rack in the BGE?
what's the point of the stainless rack on top of the other rack in the BGE?

that's a raised grid that's about 4" or 5" above the other grid. it increases the distance to the charcoal, and it makes taking off the food easier because it's at the rim level. :wink:
Its like slow torture. You're killin me Rick. Here I am workin graveyard... in pain.
Yep, gonna have to try that one. You simply amaze me and I got one question for did you get that raise grid so farkin clean?
Those look awesome. I need to stop on the way home and pick up some jalapenos.
I did some zuchini just like that last night. Really tasty.
Had to try it, had no japs so I used Ortega chilies, topped off with Provolone. Started out with honey mustard slather.

I've got tp admit I'm not a real big yard bird fan, but I'll make these anytime. The prep time is worth it, Glad you liked them.
Norco I am definitely going to try your version also.Hopefully tomorrow afternoon I'll get my chance. I have to take my wife and daughter to cheer camp in San Antonio in the morning. It will give give me something to look foward to. LOL