My wife wants to try my smoker

Great for her. Just make sure she is successful on her first cook. Ribs may be hard to get right on first try. You might offer to stand in as second cook. Could be tricky ground to tread on and not dash her enthusiasm. Good luck.
That's awesome!! Ben married 22 years. My wife loves to cook but has never shown interest in cookin on anything outdoors. Best of luck!!

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Great for her. Just make sure she is successful on her first cook. Ribs may be hard to get right on first try. You might offer to stand in as second cook. Could be tricky ground to tread on and not dash her enthusiasm. Good luck.

Yep I couldn't agree more! But what could be nicer than to spend some quality time around the Lang with the wife.
That's awesome! Big Al finally saw the light and started cooking with me - now it's something we share.
I think ribs are a good gateway cook - not too long, not too difficult.
Get her to do some ABTs for you and some beans. Oh - and a naked Fatty
That's Great, you have a wonderful wife and best wishing cooking together.
My wife had a great time. The only thing I did was get the Lang lit and ready for the ribs. She did everything else including adding the notes to my log book. The ribs were juicy and full of flavor. Complete success! I posted a few pics.

Getting ready to put the baby backs on

Crossing her fingers

Adding the glaze two hours into the smoke

Finished product

Cut and ready to serve