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Super Nommy Neighbor!!
Welcome home, good to see your posts again!
All I can sat is Dayumm Sako!

Thanks Marty!

Looks great neighbor! :hungry:

I never used the Carne Crosta on burger............... makes me think....Why not? :noidea:

Thanks neighbor! It's a heck of rub on beef as you know already Paul and burgers were no exception.

Good,Good, Good. (first ever triple Good!!)

The texture of that beef looks like hot dog slurry.


The American BBQ Co. brand wagyu was ground very fine. Good eye because that was what I thought also when I formed the patties. Tasting amazing otherwise.
I'd force myself to do two of those!

Nice burgahs!!

Thanks brotha! Gotta say it was tempting since there were two extra.

Trying Carne Crosta this weekend on a tri tip for the first time. Excited. Especially if a man like yourself gives it the thumbs up. I trust anyone who makes a burger like that....

Thanks for kind words J! It's a great rub. Can't say it enough. Just make sure there is enough heat to for a sear so the coffee in it can release it's oils. Make a huge difference and elevates the flavor profile. You definitely don't want to taste raw coffee. :biggrin1:

You're killing me Sako!

Sorry Matt! :thumb:

All I can say is WOW! Making burgers for Labor Day instead of ribs.

Thank you! Can't go wrong with burgers anytime.

Now that's a burger! Great work as always.

Thanks Bob!
Dang Sako that's a perfect cheeseburger!
Awesome burger Sako, I love the CC on a burger. I need to get a burger done for the TD

Thanks Tom! Looking forward to you and Mrs. B's creations:thumb:.

nice burger.

I love those buns. I use that brand almost exclusively for burgers these days.

Thanks! It was my first time using them and they werere absolutely amazing. I've tried other and they don't come close and glad I ran into these as I hadn't seen them before.

These look amazing. Nicely done. You got a link to that slicer?

Thanks Jacks!

There's in one also by the same brand that's got a V blade. I've got this one and very happy with it. Works very well and you get perfect slices every time. Eventually I will get the all steel one but for the $ this is a great piece of equipment that will last me a long while.

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:thumb: :thumb: :thumb:

Carne Crota is great on burgers! Layer it with Black Ops, too!

Thanks Ron! Def will next time. :thumb:

Super Nommy Neighbor!!
Welcome home, good to see your posts again!

Thanks Neighbor! Good to be back home.

You nailed it Sako, love me a good burger like that one. Perfectly cooked also.

Thanks Joe!

Wow...just wow! Fine looking cheeseburgers indeed!

Thank you sir!

Dang Sako that's a perfect cheeseburger!

Thanks Norm! They were totally up there.
Killer burgers!

I recently moved and have much more space so the Blackstone is going to get used a lot. How did you mod the grate to her?
Killer burgers!

I recently moved and have much more space so the Blackstone is going to get used a lot. How did you mod the grate to her?

Thanks BK!

I used to have a 36 but scored a 28 for $50 at a Wally World blowout sale. I have a 36" DCS gasser and the 28 Blackstone griddle top fit on my DCS like a glove. It was like they were made for each other. Sold the 36 as I use the retrofit a lot more. It much more convenient and I get even heat throughout the surface since the DCS is a fine grill with ceramic radiants that distribute heat evenly. Win Win.


Dang it Sako, I knew I shouldn't have looked at this post, now I will be thinking about these cheese burgers all night. Amazing job!:thumb:

That is an awesome set-up. I haven't used the Blackstone in almost two years so I'm itching to get back at it. Probably going to have to be burgers after this thread.

That is an awesome set-up. I haven't used the Blackstone in almost two years so I'm itching to get back at it. Probably going to have to be burgers after this thread.

Thanks! Hard to have burgers any other way. Can't remember the last time I grilled them.