My new hot dog machine!

Yeah, your wife broke it this morning making me pancakes.

Too funny! Teens just tossed the easy bake a few weeks ago
Although pretty harsh. If I bought one for the wife lets just say my mornings would me very pleasing for awhile :)
my buddy has one out in the garage where we do most of are beer drinking, along with a set of washer boards i made him, also have a good size popcorn machine makes for a great friday night!
Nice! You're almost there.

Sport peppers, a pickle slice and a dash of celery salt and you'd have a proper Chicago dog.

I thought coneys were the big thing in Detroit?
I have no earthly idea why I thought this, but when I read the thread title I was picturing something like some sort of hot dog creating machine, like a penne pasta machine shooting out hot dogs. This makes a lot more sense to me. I think I didn't get enough sleep yesterday.
Cool. I've had one for quite a few years actually. Doesn't get much use any more, but I should probably bring t out at cook outs for the kids that don't eat anything else off the grill.

They do work rather well though. And I never got the bun warmer to do much of anything worth a damn either, so I used to throw extra dogs in there so they could be replenished when someone took a dog. But they never lasted long because people eat more when they see the machine. ;)

Thanks for reminding me I have one in the basement. :thumbup: