My Monster Flat, Pron


is one Smokin' Farker
Sep 9, 2012
Not questioning brisket or how to do it. Kapn, sorry...
Trimmed down the flat to about 10# seasoned it up let it sit for a few hours, fell asleep for a few more before waking up just before 1am. Put it on the smoker, maverick on the night stand. Woke up just before 7 and we were over 190* @ 275 in the UDS. Scary enough it's 8 am and it's over 200 IT,probing tender in some spots. This was gonna be dinner but it looks like the cow wants to be lunch instead. More pron to follow

The monster

The monster unwrapped

Seasoned monster

Stretches longer than the pan end to end!
Nice big old flat is right! One of my butchers never gets full packers, but he gets flats just like that huge ones!
Pulled in under 8 hours. IT of 210 in the thickest part before she gave up. Average temp 275ish only 1 time did the maverick wake me up by going over 300*

Monster at Rest

I did not do anything special to it. Trimmed, seasoned (Montreal Steak), smoked, poked and pulled to rest!
I checked my email and my text messages and I didn't get an invite to lunch or dinner from you. :mad:
I'm going to let this one sit for a few hours. Honestly I can't believe how fast it got done. I'm a huge fan of the overnight cooks now! I'll have many pics on the cut.