My Egg is leaking????


somebody shut me the fark up.

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Jul 1, 2007
I'm cooking today, and noticed this just below the ring...



I looked on the inside of the cooker and don't see where this could be coming from.. Pretty sure I didn't drip anything on it... Any ideas?
Is it water or something oily? My immediate thought is that it is farkin' cold right now and you could have had some frozen water trapped in the ring are (from a snow or rain). When you lit that up, it melted and dripped out. Thing is, in that bottom pic, it doesn't really look like water, unless it is really cold and refroze as it dripped down.
The eggs are porous and hold a lot of water. When they are heated up they will sweat the water and smoke. I have one that oozes thru the ceramic glaze. The factory told me that is normal and to not worry about it. I thought that it was a defect, BGE thought it was normal.
The UDS does that too, so you spent 700 on a UDS ;) that's much heavier and smaller :) :D

Sent from my fancy schmancy iPhone using Tapatalk from right outside your window.
Heh heh heh!!

Sent from my fancy schmancy iPhone using Tapatalk from right outside your window.
The felt gasket material appears to be different looking in the area where the drips are coming from.