More Iowa

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Quintessential Chatty Farker
Apr 21, 2006
Got feeling kinda bad that SmokeBuzz thought he was the only Iowawegian here! I've been lurking and finally signed up a couple of weeks ago. While not a compettition junkie (yet) I have been cookin an eatin Q for some time. I have a heavy duty Aussie gasser that I did some rehab on and does a pretty good job for a gass machine.
Last year I walked around the Blues and BBQ here in Waterloo and decided that looked like a lot of fun. Took the KCBS judges class in Marshalltown this spring and am lookin forward to meeting alot of you folks as I camp and judge around the state this summer.
My first gig as judge will be at Barbequelossal in Des Moines, then hope to hit State Center,Marshalltown,Waterloo,Clinton,Waukoma,Mason City, and Independence. Pretty ambitious schedule huh?
Being a modelmaker by trade I have plans to build a drum smoker as that looks to be a very efficient wat to make long cooks the old fashion way.
So hope to see alot of you at the various events as this was the reason I became a judge, go camping,meet new folks, and try some of your best BBQ.
Smoke on Brothers
Welcome ModelMaker, Sounds like a good chance to meet up in Mason City. I hope to make it.
Welcome Model-Maker! I'll see alot of you this summer. I'll be at DesMoines, Marshalltown, and Mason City. Look for us, and stop by and have a beer or 6. :eek:) We keep lots of cold bud light on hand.....
ya i was starten to get lonely here in the Hawkeye state, hope to see ya at some of the Iowa comps, i,m close to most of them,Nevada,
Welcome aboard ModelMaker, enjoy what you learn and share what you know, it's what we do here.
Thanks all!! Like I said this is why I wanted to become a judge, we would be out and about in the motorhome camping anyway and it looked like a good way to meet some quality folk and eat some quality Q! Also looking forward to learnig alot about smoking the pig parts.
Welcome, MM! Man, I just got back from the land of the Iowegians last night. My mother-in-law cooked some pork loins for pulling that came out gray and I had to ask, "YOU DIDN'T BOIL THOSE, DID YOU???!!!" lol

Glad to have ya aboard, bro.

Welcome MM. I am a former Iowan, Cedar Rapids. There is a surprising lack of Iowans on this site, especially with all the pork and corn fed beef.
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