Mini WSM Temp


Knows what a fatty is.
Jun 18, 2013
Denver, CO
Hey All -

I want to try some multi-level cooks on the SJG mini, but I am unsure of the temp differences between the top grate (about 4" down from the top of the pot), and the bottom grate (about 3.5" below the top grate). I have the bottom cut out, and I'm using a charcoal grate sitting on the steamer insert lip and on top of that sits a 9" x2" pie pan, and on top of that sits the bottom SJ cooking grate.

I've been able to get it easily between 325-350 to do a spatchcocked chicken on top grate, but about what temp do you think the bottom grate would run at if the top in is that range? I'd like to do two spatchcocked birds, but I only have the one maverick ET732 to check the temp.

I realize I'm asking you to guess the temp differences between the top and bottom grates, but a ballpark figure from your experiences running food on the top and bottom would greatly help!
From my experience the bottom grate always cooked faster than the top grate. This is without a diffuser between the coals and grate. What that temperature difference is, i wouldn't be able to guess.

Just put the ET732 probe on the bottom grate to monitor the temperatures.
That's kind of generally what I'm trying to figure out, but since I can only monitor one of the grate temps, it's going to be trial and error.

I had thought that with a diffuser, the top grate should run hotter than the bottom grate. Have you done any with a diffuser?
I haven't haven't used 2 grates on my mini's with a difusser in it.

One thing you can do is to use the food probe and put it through a potato and put that one one great and then the regular grate probe on the other grate. Then use a meat thermo or instant read thermo to temp both the chickens from time to time.
Thanks aawa - I'll give that a shot next time I'm doing ribs so no meat probes are necessary. I'm just paranoid about overcooking it using chicken.