Meatloaf success!


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2011
On recommendation of a friend I chose meatloaf as my second smoking attempt on my UDS. The first attempt was chicken which turned out far better than I expected so I had my hopes up for the meatloaf. After reading many meatloaf stories on this forum I decided to use our regular meatloaf receipe, and since I was going to have the drum going I decided it didn't make sense to do just one so I made three. I put them on a broiler pan so they didn't sit in grease as they cooked. They smoked for 3 hours and 15 min. at a temp. of 250. A half hour before I pulled them I put ketchup on two of them and Sweet Baby Ray's on one of them. They turned out fantastic! My wife prefered the one covered with ketchup and I prefered the one with BBQ sauce. As so many of you have said, we will never cook another meatloaf in the oven again.:clap2: Thanks to all of you who have posted your meatloaf attempts, because of you we had MEATLOAF SUCCESS!
I agree with all of it...I have 2 going on my new mini's as we speak. Great help from the Bretheren.:clap2: