Lunch- 23oz Porterhouse

That's "IBM Selectric". Your memory is failing you Adams. :wink:

Still wish I took typing class in high school, but at the time that class was for girls, just like Home Ec class where they taught some "cooking".

Guess the girls had all the good classes back in the day.

What happened? Now I do all the cooking and love it.

Wish I could type with 8 fingers though. :mad:

I actually figured no one would know the Selectric. I took two years of typing in high school. 60WPM 3 or less errors. Learned using unmarked keys and dribble blinders. Home Ec, Home and Family Living (required that's the one were you and an opposite sex teamed up to care for a raw egg like a baby). Cooking class was fun two. That teachers husband was a National Park Service Ranger and we cooked all kinds of things, creatures not always seen at grocery store. Rattlesnake, pickled beef tongue, quail, good times.