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Has anyone ever used Kingsford Competition? A BBQ store I went to recommended it but I'm wondering if its just because they sell it?

I've used it and really like it, but have usually had a hard time finding it in quantity. That said, about a month ago a Super Walmart in my area had pallets of the stuff for a reasonable price. Dunno if they intend to keep it in stock or not. I'll be looking for sales.

I've been using more and more lump since I got a kamado and trying to get used to grilling with it in the Weber as well. I'm finding I love the low ash. People say it tends to "burn out" quicker than briquettes but I think that may have to do with all the irregular shapes allowing more airflow than briquettes. Been having a lot of luck by just tamping down the lump so it's more compacted, it behaves a lot more like briquettes that way, in my experience, at least.
I started learning on my wsm with kbb. I've since moved to weekend warrior lump. Much better flavor imparted. Although I can only get it at one place in town. If I don't catch the place in time i'll grab some kbb as a backup but it isn't an option unless I'm pretty hard up.