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Knows what a fatty is.
Sep 7, 2017
Austin, TX
Name or Nickame
The prime packer I bought from Sams last month was $2.58 a pound, a good price, but I happened to be looking at my local Kroger's sales flyer for Halloween week and I saw right there on the front page beef brisket, choice, for a whopping $1.69 a pound. So I raced over to the store and they had a bunch of them out in the meat section. They were definitely choice briskets with the blue labeling on the package, these from National Beef. The prime briskets from Sams were Excel and the choice ones at Sams were IBP. Anyway the only issues with these were some of them had a crazy huge point with lots of fat and very thin flats, and a few had some weird coloration of the fat on the point, a couple spots had some discoloration almost a grey color. I steered clear of those and sorted through to find a nice 16 pounder with very white fat and a decent flat. I paid a handsome $28 bucks and some change for it and its sitting in the fridge just waiting to be cooked up soon. Why do yall think these were on sale for such a good price?
I didn't see those around here or my wife would have been mad at me for stocking up. I would imagine it is simply supply and demand, and since the weather is turning cold, demand will be low for a while.
They had whole packers for $1.99lb in Cincinnati area. One of the stores had flats sitting out for the same price, so I bought 4.