Lookin' for a hand @ St. Louis River Rub, October 7 & 8

Southern Home Boy

is Blowin Smoke!
Jan 14, 2010
Hey y'all.

I'm signed up for the St. Louis River Rub on 10/7-8. My usual partner can't make it and my other "sous chef" is iffy.

If anyone in the St. Louis area has been thinking about doing a competition but didn't want to invest in all the gear, time and money, this is a perfect opportunity to get your feet wet.

I'll show you everything I do (for what it's worth) from beginning to end and give you the chance to help trim, season, cook, make turn-in boxes - the whole nine yards.

All I ask is that you help pull fire watch for a few hours through the night so I can get a little sleep. My cookers are pretty good and shouldn't need much tending, but sure as soon as I try to run it solo, I'll lose a fire.

Let me know if you're interested.