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Full Fledged Farker
May 25, 2007
Elkton, MD
Here's some news from Tom Christine and MABA about a new comp. taking place next weekend in PA. This is the same weekend as the Wildwood comp. This could be the perfect opportunity for those who want to start competitive Q'ing. I'm doing it because it's nearby and a good way to get out of the house for a weekend and go camping with the wife and kids (and Q too!). This is also a good opportunity for all those new judges from the Meadow Creek KCBS judging classes. Oh yeah, and 5 grand in prize's!

To all competitors and judges,
This letter is to notify you that we are looking for more teams and judges for this event. Currently we have 12 teams and only 7 judges. This is the first contest that the Mid Atlantic BBQ Association (MABA) is sanctioning. It is being held in the beautiful Blue Falls Grove in Leesport (Reading), PA. All KCBS rules will apply for this contest.
There is a water park and campground at the grove as well a stream for fishing if you’d like. (You must have a valid 2007 fishing license to fish) There will be rides for the kids, a craft show for the families, a beer garden, and live entertainment for all to enjoy.
MABA would really like to make this a great show. You can help to grow this event and make it happen again next year by coming to compete or judge. So why not take this time to visit, download the application, send us your check if you are a competitor, and join us for a weekend of fun.
Contact Tom Christine at 215-603-2508 ([email protected]) or Red Todd at 215-920-7741 ([email protected]) and let us know you are coming. Competitors, don’t forget, there is


In cash and prizes!​
may have to consider this one for next year. just got an e-mail from wildwood- only the top 19 on the overall list will be given applications for next year. belowe 19th you must request an app. and hope to get in.:icon_shy
I plan on compeating. Should be a good time. Would be great to get more CBJ though.

It would be good if they wouldn't have these two comps on the same weekend. We don't have many in our area and then to have two at the same time is a bummer.