just an idea


Full Fledged Farker
May 23, 2011
Hey SF, I was just looking at a smoker on here that you guys did and as always, she looks amazing. I had an idea and wanted to pass it along. Have you guys thought about getting someone that can make custom covers for you guys?

Reason I say this is your clients trust your quality and standards. I know if (when) I get a smoker from you I will be forced to get a cover. And I know I can send measurements and such to someone but I will not truly know his quality until it's prob too late.

Perhaps you contact 3 cover makers and pick one and offer that option with a cooker. I know if you are offering this it will come cut correct, and top notch quality prob for less than I can order it from since you will be a repeat client.

Also shipping it w/the cooker shouldn't add to the shipping so it's a win. I have to tell you, we all here love you company's integrity and pride. Please keep it up, and all the best.
brother you think like me.... I am going to check into this. I actually have a neighbor who is a seamstress and works for a custom awning company.... going to get her to come by and take a look and see what she can do for us.... Thx brother
I like this idea as well. Shirley Fabrication being able to offer covers for the most purchased cookers would be wonderful.