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Sure I have enough time trying to convince unlearned people to try fatties, armadillo eggs and moink balls. Now I'm going to be inviting people over to try my ash holes. (wonder how that will go over with my pastor?:confused:)

Don't tell them they are your ash holes tell them they are Brethren Ashy's ash holes. Ashy's Ash Holes should go great with Atomic Buffalo Turds.
So I guess noooooobody can top this? Besides Ashy's Ash Holes name that I am liking. Lets see what you people have and make em better.... :icon_shock1: The proof in the pron....
Mrs Ash asked for me to run to restaurant depot and get more roast to slice into lunch meat. Very economical for our eaters. We get 6-8 weeks of cold cuts. Yeah!!!! I gonna get to use my unauthorized but now tolerated Slicer. I thought I bump this thread up for the newer Brethren Sistern. The slicer works great on bagels.. enjoy!
Mrs Ash asked for me to run to restaurant depot and get more roast to slice into lunch meat. Very economical for our eaters. We get 6-8 weeks of cold cuts. Yeah!!!! I gonna get to use my unauthorized but now tolerated Slicer. I thought I bump this thread up for the newer Brethren Sistern. The slicer works great on bagels.. enjoy!

Thanks for bumping this up - it's the first time I've seen it. Maybe I misunderstood Jeff - maybe what he said was, "You should try Marty's ASH-HOLE" I shouldn't have hung up on him! :lol:
Almost afraid to make a serious suggestion as a name. I mean, Ash Holes certainly has it's place in our world. Yet, if you care to serve them to someone outside our twisted realm, how about "Cheesy Toasty O's"?

Maybe just A Holes for short then? Appreciate the PC sensibility!!!

Bo being politically correct :eek: !?
Where's the real Desert Dweller? :twisted:
So, since the bagel has a hole in it can you use it as an Atomic Buffalo Turd holder while you are making your Ash Hole?
So my next question has anyone besides me made these since I posted it in Jan. Just wonderin about my Ash-Holes. Oh That so has to go in the Farking FB thread.....
Ash-Holes!!!! Thanks for the bump, I fairly new to the board and I'm just now seeing it, This is farking HILARIOUS!!!!!!:lol::lol:
I can't believe that you guys are all longing after Ashmont's Ash holes! (How many does he have, anyway?) :-D

It does have a ring to it. Let's try it out...

Potential Bash Byte:

Bash Goer: "Hey Ashmont... Your ash holes are stale"
Ashmont: "Let me cut you a new ash hole!"

The Ash-Hole reference was used more than once at a bash in Mukwonago....:lol:
But, Ash-holes it should be.
I just did a search for ash holes and this is some funny s**t! Obviously he could take it as well as he gave it.
I can't believe that you guys are all longing after Ashmont's Ash holes! (How many does he have, anyway?) :-D

It does have a ring to it. Let's try it out...

Potential Bash Byte:

Bash Goer: "Hey Ashmont... Your ash holes are stale"
Ashmont: "Let me cut you a new ash hole!"


I forgot about this!

I used to be pretty funny! :becky: