Inspire me with my piece of Flank Steak

I love flank steak, I too agree it's great cooked over coals, and does so well in wraps and on salads. Tempted to try the flank steak gyro's next time i pick up this cut. I usually do asian inspired marinades.
Ok went To Costco today and grabbed some more Flank, its a fine tasty piece of meat.
I came home with some Tri Tip roasts, seeing as they are mentioned a lot.
What do I do with them. treat them similar to Flank I would suggest ?
Yes, pretty much. Did you get the full Tri Tips? 2 Per Packet?

I'm doing some tomorrow. Indirect for a while till they get to about 110F and then reverse sear, rest them. Slice across the grain. No sauce required... it's just outstanding. I like doing a simple rub of Montreal Steak seasoning. It's all you need.


My reco, bake then brown Titch, indirect till you get where you want (rare to med rare) and sear it up, or vice versa.
Watch the grain direction when slicing and should be good.