I need meaty thighs

Jacked UP BBQ

Babbling Farker
Jun 9, 2008
What brand chicken can I get nice size thighs. I use all natural (white skin) but the size of the thighs suck. What brand are you guys using and where are you buying it?
We use plain old multipack chicken from Costco.

I got some chicken from a western natural-market chain a while back -- I believe the supplier is Prairie Fresh, and those thighs were monsters, they looked like they came off pterodactyls.
I have the opposite problem around here. ! have a hard time finding small enough thighs to fix 6 in the box. I have found that I can get bigger thighs if I by the smaller count packages. The bigger family packs and the ones at Sams have smaller ones in them.

Big Mike
We prefer Greenwise organic chicken from Publix, but I guess you don't have that supermarket in Jersey.
About mid-summer in the midwest this year we started seeing "all-natural" tyson thighs show up in our stores...I couldn't locate my usual (smart chicken) so I bought some....they were BIG and trimmed really nice, I ended up 3rd out of 40+ with them that day. Have tried them several times since and they are by far the largest thighs you can buy around here.
I think shes from jersey and might be exactly the meaty thighs that your looking for
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Like your style Sled.... :-D

We use what we can find cheap at the local grocery. Prefer white skins over the yellower ones.
As the season went on it seemed the Smart Chicken got worse and worse. I was buying two eight packs and a 4 pack and maybe if I was lucky had 8-9 good pieces in there. Never failed, about 3 pieces were too small or cut such a way it was hard to tell which end was up.

For a tailgate last week I used Gold n Plump and it was much more universal in size and more of a normal cut. Little smaller though then the Smart Chicken.