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Knows what a fatty is.
Jan 14, 2015
North, TX
Has anyone had any issues with your Humphrey's units? This weekend was probably my 4th maybe 5th use of my new Weeble, I am now getting paint peeling on the frame where the door gasket meets. Also, the rubber (maybe plastic) door handle cover on the fire door has cracked and slid off. Leaving a nasty glue residue behind that I had to try and clean off.

The handle doesn't bother me much, but I don't really like the idea of continued paint peeling around the gasket / frame. Not good if I have flakes falling onto food. Hopefully it stops in just that small area.


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Id scrap paint flakes and spray some cooking oil spray on it and repeat as needed till it gets a nice seasoned sheen to it.......
The handle cover is an easy fix ( you already knew that though). I personally have not had any issues with paint /powder coat flaking on the frame.

I would get in touch with Chad or Nicole and send them pics and see what suggestions they have for you. I am sure they will give you advice & make it right for you.
The problem with pretty smokers is they don't stay as pretty as new forever.

Take a wire wheel to it and then paint on some high heat rustoleum. Also make sure your door is shutting tight enough.
Untraceable hit the head of the nail! The latches are adjustable and should be adjusted during the first few cooks as the gasket wears in. Use some sandpaper and remove the loose paint. Then just brush on some high temp paint. Let it dry before you close the door. As far as the handle plastic coming off, I have not seen this happen. I have emailed the manufacture and am waiting for a reply.
Thank you for the help BBQspecialist and Untraceable. I'm going to go ahead and attempt to adjust that door, but I really didn't think it was loose at all, I haven't been getting any smoke leaking around the seal. Sanding and some high temp paint will probably do the trick. It seems like an isolated incident of the paint maybe just not bonding as well in that one spot. The Humphrey's products are made with such great quality I thought I would share this small issue with you all.
Sounds like the surface was not prep'd properly before the powder coat was applied.
If there was any oil, etc left on the steel, or if that spot was missed during the prep and degreasing, then the powder coat won't stick to that spot.

I have done quite a bit of powder coating, and had motorcycle frames powdercoated, car parts, etc. and that is typical of a missed prep spot before powder coating.

It happens. There are plenty of ways to fix it (scuff, prep, paint) but those are band aids to the problem. Powder coat is hard like glass, and chips like glass, etc. which is why it is such a durable surface. Spending $1K+ on a new smoker is tough for anyone, so I can appreciate your disappointment in the chipping powder coating.

The Humphreys folks seem like great people and I am sure they will stand behind their product, as the flaking powder coat would definitely be considered a mfg's defect by most. You just don't want water or moisture getting under there...that would not be good as it could spread and delaminate the powder coat around the spot.
Got any closer pics of that paint spot? Sure does look like a paint failure and I can understand some concern after spending for a high end smoker.
I would have classify it as a paint failure, I can get some closer pictures. I even attempted to get my door tighter, but it was pretty much tight as possible already. Like I said before, I haven't had any smoke leaking or issues with loose doors.