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is one Smokin' Farker
Mar 3, 2008
Sacramento, CA
is laying in my backyard with her breasts all slathered in oil and she seems to be tanning and enjoying a beer enima that I got to give her before I got to rub her breasts!!! My wife seems ok with with this goin' on! Let's take a peek at this babe..............

Damn it! the photo won't load!
Wouldn't mind a little of that leg myself! Probably to hot for me to handle.
She is done and much tanner but we couldn't help ourselves and scraficed the virgin to the dinner table. Wife came home from the boxing gym and we pull this chicks legs apart and went to town.
Now she looks like a runway model that wants to purge some more so she won't get fat!
Wife & daughter are off to the 24 Hour Fitness gym and will return to finish this broad off for their dessert! This was a 5 1/2 pound chicken!:biggrin:
Funny thing about this chick was she tasted like chicken!


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It is posts like this that make me laugh and enjoy being here. I also realize that alot of us are off our farkin rockers.:biggrin:
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dude... you need a mannequin :biggrin: