Hey Brethren, need some advice on a church fundraiser.


is Blowin Smoke!
May 9, 2007
We are doing a fundraiser at our church. We are selling lunch plates. Right now the consensus is to do hamburger plates with potato salad and baked beans and sell them for $5-$6 per plate. As for as I know no drink or desert included.

I was looking for an excuse to Q something but only if it is a more cost effective means than the original idea. But would pulled pork sammiches actually be cheaper than hamburger? Again, as for as I know there will not be drink or desert included. That is subject to change but that has nothing to do with price comparison between pork and beef patties. All opinions are welcomed and appreciated.


Burgers are hard to beat for cost, especially if you are buying the preformed from Costco, Sam's or Walmart. The one thing about pulled pork, especially if you can get them discounted or donated, is that the condiments are cheaper, sauce, essentially, is all you need.