Help Big Mista Out

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again? could it be??? YES... Alexandre Bilodeau = GOLD

Another $10 courtesy of Team Canada :bow:
Even though MrsMisa hates me because I'm Canadian, I am not going anywhere :p

Periodically I am going to post various reminders about why we all love and support Bigmista (and if any of you have something that you feel would be significant, please post it also). Here is my choice for today, from Dec 22, 2004...


1000 posts.

It's been quite a ride.

I can't remember ever being this involved in something. I've only been here since May but it feels like I've known you all for years. I feel blessed to have learned so much from so many great people. When Bill first invited me here, I thought I knew how to BBQ. What a joke! I didn't have a clue!

I thought the best way to cook ribs was to season them and marinate them in Malt Liquor. Then stick them in the oven with the marinade for 3 hours(Basically boiling). Then put them on a grill for an hour to "get some smoke." *sigh*

Now that I have a smoker (instead of the apartment building's gas grill), I am smoking pork butts, chicken, ribs, turkeys, fatties and yes I finally broke my brisket cherry! WOO-hoo!!

I owe it all to my brethren. You all have not only contributed to my cooking butt to my life. We have shared joys and pains. We have had jokes and disagreements. We have had some strangest conversations I have ever heard in my life (I'm straight on the Moose Pussy but I never did find out what a cherry wheel is..). Through it you have all been there for me and MrsMista.

I appreciate every moment of it and I feel honored to have friends in so many states.

Thank you bretheren for everything!

Happy Holidays!

Guess we know what adult beverage will be served at the restaurant

I love you plenty.

This quote is from 12/9/2008 when the brethren started Morgan's college fund.

You know I really don't know what to say.

I'm all choked up. On the inside. In a manly way.

Seriously, I am at a loss. I know how great the Brethren are. I try to live up to the standards that are set here by such great people but every time I think I am getting close, you folks raise the bar again.

You are all truly amazing and we are truly grateful for this gesture. Morgan is truly blessed to have so many people that love her. She is under the weather with a touch of pnuemonia but she is tearing around the house. And she knows how to say "Barbecue" now.

Again, thank you all so much. People look at me funny when I talk about my online family (and I do it all the time) but you are all some of the most important people in my life.

I love you all.

A recent news article referencing Bigmista as "a nationally famous BBQ chef". That was very nice, but he is INTERNATIONALLY famous.

Thank you very much to all who have pledged already, and remember, you can pledge as often as your situation allows. And a big thank you to Diesel Dave for his offer. Just think about it, 4 bottles of Simply Marvelous/BPS rubs are worth at least $50 on their own. And based on your donation amount to you may also be receiving some of Bigmista's rubs as well
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