Helluva good night! Beer, halo4 and steak&eggs! Pron



So after havin a few beers and merkin on some bad kids in Halo4, decided to fire up the smokey joe, hadn't had a BBQ'd sirloin in a while so This is how it went. Filled it with wicked good, fired it with the super turbo harbor freight $25 weed burner and was grillin 5 min later. I'm now ready to call it a night. This was a kings meal here boy!
Kickin the afternoon off in the man cave, finished up some cabinetry work, leveled em, screwed em to the wall, and installed some handles and plumbing. It's coming along nicely from a old dairy camphouse.


Now that the wifey is pleased with the progress, it's halo time!




Wifey is hungry, halo time is over! :cry:

Eatin on the fine china tonight boy! J/k 2.12 lbs

Steak and eggs, good anytime of the day and any day of the week

Mine was perfect, had to cook hers a little more

How do you clean up a plate of steak and eggs? Like any Texican, with a handmade southwest tortilla! Lol man it was tasty.

Hope y'all enjoy
Aaaahhhhaaaaa! We do have some Xbox Players on here! Lol my buddy I BBQ with calls me BK (big kid) but I have been strictly a halo guy since it first came out 15 years ago. Own every edition, have beaten em all on legendary, we even used to have a MLG team called UGHK (ungodly Halo kings). Still got some phenomenal videos on my capture card from back in the day at LAN parties. Worst we ever beat a team was 50-9 in Dallas. Ok, enough halo. Tell ya what, some of that steak chopped fine with some eggs in one of them southwest tortilla with a little basil would go hard right now, I had to settle for a dang honey bun :doh:
I love steak, and I love eggs. I still don't think I could ever eat them together though. Do you ever have them together with the same bite? Or do you just go back and forth between the two?
I'm not one of those eat a side till its gone and move on to the next eaters. On this particular dish I cut up the eggs busting the yolks, cut me a peice of steak and run it through the yolks gettin some of that richness and push some whites on also. It's heavenly man, or maybe Im just weird. Almost all restaurants that serve breakfast in Texas have CFS or steak and eggs
Man those look good, wish the kids would leave for school I might make myself breakfast now that you got my stomach growling.:clap:
I love steak, and I love eggs. I still don't think I could ever eat them together though. Do you ever have them together with the same bite? Or do you just go back and forth between the two?

Now I am coming at you from the viewpoint of big brother love, okay?
A steak with a runny egg on top, or a burger, holland arise sauce, mayo, and a million BBQ and gourmet meals use eggs with the meat.
Try it bro.
You are about to have your world grow in the best possible way!
3 things towards making a perfect night. I'd make a comment about the 4th, but this is a family site :tape: