"Happy Phriday Pharkers,what's Smoking this Weekend?"

Phreezer swandive and pulled out a briskie and pork shoulder.

That should get us through mid next week!

Hope to go phishing sometime soon…. Got cabin phever

Y’all have a great weekend and get outside and enjoy the sunshine
Happy Phryday Pholks!
Nasty weather phoreguessed phor the weekend here.

Tonight, phorm of shrimp n grits.
Phor the phlattop, shrimp, andouille, onions, peppers, maters and whatever else looks good over grits.

Phound a couple oph strip steaks in the phreezer, so prolly tomorrow in the sous vide, then the kettle or phlattop, depending on the weather.
Sunday, dunno yet.

Have a great, saphe weekend everyone!
Briskie is in the boat and looking good. Couple more hours and in the warmer it goes till tomorrow night.

Y’all have a great week it’s gonna be 92deg tomorrow :roll:
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