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Grand Poobah and Site Admin
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Aug 11, 2003
Long Island, NY
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A weird year its been. Covid coodies changed the way we live our lives. Tonight doesn't seem like new years eve. Its seems more like... Thursday. Usually tonight we'd have 20 or 30 very drunk friends roaming around eating and partying. But tonight, Chinese take out and just me and the wife.

Covid canceled Christmas for us when I was exposed to a friend who tested positive. So we canceled Christmas dinner with family and had to wait a day to get tested.

Its all surreal and... weird..

So with that.. ill say this..

Happy new year to everyone. Let's raise our glasses and hope for a better new year. 2020 is history.. We've figured out how to deal with the pandemic and all that comes with it.. so in my case I'm stocked up on tequilla and toilet paper and ready for the next year.

Happy new years everyone.. smkke on and keep the glasses full!

WE,as a Country have endured a lot harder years than 2020.Yes,it has been a bummer year.Gives us something to look forward to going forward.Sometimes we all need to get shaken out of our comfort zone.I in NO WAY mean to minimize the hurt,destruction,loss of loved ones or mean anything else hurtful.WE,as a Country will overcome this too.Happy New Year and God Bless America and every one of you and your families.