Grilling Contests



This may be a stupid question, but are grilling contests judged any differently than a barbecue contest?

Say they both have a chicken category. Just by definition, shouldn't the "grilled" chicken show signs of higher heat, like grill marks or extra crisp skin? And barbecued chicken in theory shouldn't show signs of grilling, in my mind, since it was slow cooked (like the picture on the left vs. grilled on the right).

I think these are done on a case by case basis-- I could easily be wrong about that. With our contest, we used KCBS rules in every applicable instance, but had to tweak a few to fit the confines of a one day grilling event. Although it is a 'grilling' contest, some people turned in bbq'd ribs and I can't imagine that someone would take points off for lack of grill marks-- judge the entry as presented, right?
SmokeInDaEye said:
This may be a stupid question, but are grilling contests judged any differently than a barbecue contest?

Say they both have a chicken category. Just by definition, shouldn't the "grilled" chicken show signs of higher heat, like grill marks or extra crisp skin? And barbecued chicken in theory shouldn't show signs of grilling, in my mind, since it was slow cooked (like the picture on the left vs. grilled on the right).

Nope .
That's what I figured but wanted to confirm since we've only done 2 grilling contests and one barbecue contest to date. There's a definite difference in my mind, but doesn't seem like it's worth worrying about.:biggrin:

Do you have a chicken category in this contest you speak of BYC? I didn't realize that...
what are the catagories this year? Last year was wings, ribs, fish, and "anything but".

wow.. did i just remember something? (nahhh, not likly)
Grillin' on the Bay categories....

Chicken Wings (this year it is breasts)
Chef's Choice
Dessert (not doing it this year)
backyardchef said:
Grillin' on the Bay categories....

Chicken Wings (this year it is breasts)
Chef's Choice
Dessert (not doing it this year)

Pork is just ribs?

Looking forward to seeing an application sometime soon.
Grillin' on the Bay Info

Here's some info in advance of the entry form....

Entrance fee is still only $100. For that you get to cook in all categories. If you want to only compete in one individual category its $75. You must cook in every category to qualify for grand and reserve champion.
Of the entrance fee, 50% will go to the sports program and 50% will go to the prize pool.

Chicken BREAST - Can be cooked as part of an entire bird, as a whole breast or in segments, bone in or out, skinless or with skin - KCBS rules for garnish, saucing and presentation.

Fish - Whole, steak or fillet. No shellfish or crustaceans. Stuffing allowed. Stuffing to be composed of grain, dairy, vegetable and/or fruits. No additional meat, fish or poultry allowed. - KCBS rules for garnish, saucing and presentation.

Pork: Ribs, loin, chop or tenderloin. Bone in or out - chef's choice. Stuffing allowed. Stuffing to be composed of grain, dairy, vegetable and/or fruits. No additional meat, fish, shellfish, crustaceans or poultry allowed. - KCBS rules for garnish, saucing and presentation.

Chef's choice - anything but an item that would qualify in the proceeding categories. No Desserts. No garnish rules, except if used, must be edible.
Must be presented in 6 separate and identifiable pieces. Must fit into a standard 9 x 9 container. No side containers. ie: sauce or dipping sauce.

All categories will be submitted in the standard issue 9 X 9 Styrofoam container, which we will provide.