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The ball and press with a pan is easier when making tortillas Bill, Guerre is right.
Wax paper down, the ball goes on and cover with another sheet and press down with a suitably big sauce pan.
Looks tasty! Why 1 week? I would of thought the acid from the OJ and lime juice would of cooked it for you with that long of a marinade. Soy, black pepper, Oj and lime juice and jalapeños for 1 hr on the counter for me. I messed up alot of chicken a while back with citric acids from fruits
The ball and press with a pan is easier when making tortillas Bill, Guerre is right.
Wax paper down, the ball goes on and cover with another sheet and press down with a suitably big sauce pan.

Yup I'll do it this way next time. I think I didn't have enough water content in the dough either. Well, only my second time around, so I think I know what I need to do now.

Looks tasty! Why 1 week? I would of thought the acid from the OJ and lime juice would of cooked it for you with that long of a marinade. Soy, black pepper, Oj and lime juice and jalapeños for 1 hr on the counter for me. I messed up alot of chicken a while back with citric acids from fruits

One week was purely for experimentation and me being busy. I knew I was not going to have time to make the meal through the week, and I knew that the OJ and Lime Juice etc, would have some preserving effect, so it would last a week easy. Guerry did his for 4 days, so 1 week... well, why not!:becky:


Nicely done Bill that second one was perfect. I bet that tasted great.\

On the tortillas, are you hand rolling or patting them? How do you get that creative shape? I roll mine into balls and mash with a pan, they always come out round

The ball and press with a pan is easier when making tortillas Bill, Guerre is right.
Wax paper down, the ball goes on and cover with another sheet and press down with a suitably big sauce pan.

Just wanna give credit to Bob on the pan mashing thingie :thumb: - my rolling pin tortillas kinda looked like Bill's...:becky: