First Packer on the Yoder YS640

Looks great! How many lbs of pellets did you use for the cook?

I cant be exact because i didnt weight them. There was about 3 or 4 cups worth in the hopper when i started and i used a 20 pound bag of bbq delight hickory during the cook and there looks like about 2-3 cups left in the hopper now. So 21 or 22 pounds maybe? I started warming it up at 11:00 last night and shut it down around 4 this afternoon when i pulled the beans and burnt ends off so that would be about 1.5 pounds an hour maybe? just a guestimation.
I did notice one thing in the pictures that i didnt notice first hand. It looks like there is some light yellowish splotchy areas which i am assuming is from the injection as it looks to be the same color as the kosmos mix. I didnt notice them in the light but i think the camera flash brought them out a bit. I did mix the injection per the instructions but maybe next time i will cut it with a little more water. I would also assume that i could dip the pieces in the leftover juices and mask it as well.