First Chicken On New UDS


Found some matches.
Oct 15, 2013
First off, I have to say thanks to everyone here. I've been lurking for a few months while waiting for my new UDS to get built and I've learned a great deal already.

My first attempt at putting that learning into practice was about 80% successful. My right hand was still in bandages from surgery, so the wife did most of the cook actually.

I forgot the rub had salt, so it turned out a bit on the salty side. The sweetness of the BBQ sauce of set the saltiness. The wind and cool morning temp made it difficult to bet much above 270 most of the cook. so the skin was rubbery; but since it was being used for pulled chicken sandwiches (sorry, no pics) it worked out. The family thought it was great, especially for my first time smoke on the UDS.
The chicken looks great. Congrats on your mostly successful cook. Actually, if the family liked it, I'd call it a complete success. Keep smoking and keep posting pron. Good job.
Hi and welcome aboard, I'm glad we were able to help you.
I hope you quickly and fully recover from your surgery.
Your first cook looks really good, nice job! :thumb:
That's the way UDS is supposed to look..i love it! Great Job and get well soon