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somebody shut me the fark up.

Batch Image
Batch Image
Jul 25, 2012
Los Angeles
Name or Nickame
And it's killer! Makes chili making a breeze. Love that Mike gives you the chili mix with zero salt in there. You have full control of the salt content since everyone makes their chili their way as far as what ingredients go in your chili that may have salt already.

Started with two thick chuck steaks on the YS640


Pulled about 175-180 and cubed 'em up


Roasted some fresh pasillas


Into the dutch oven with sauteed onion, garlic, chuck cubes, diced tomatoes


In a separate sauce pan I bloomed the chili mix with beer, chicken stock and incorporated everything together for a slow simmer


Done when the meat chunk still hold together but fork or spoon tender when you eat


Served with a dollop of sour cream, cheese, chopped white onion, pickled jalapenos and chili fritos:clap2:


Delicious! One nugget at a time


Thanks for looking!
Look and sounds fantastic, Sako but where’s the beans? :caked:

But seriously, I’d tear that up… great cook!

Thanks Scott!

:laugh: :thumb: I thought about beans really hard as I love beans but anytime you see TX and chili together its a hard no. :-D
Thanks Scott!

:laugh: :thumb: I thought about beans really hard as I love beans but anytime you see TX and chili together its a hard no. :-D

I’m firmly in the “no beans” camp myself, which means I get to consume any and all chili on my own that I prepare for the household. :heh:
Nice review and photos, Sako! That's a fine bowl of red you cooked up!
Nice job and review on that chili. Reminds me I need to pull out some cubed brisket from the freezer and try the sucklebusters mix this weekend.