Finally made carne asada

You certainly made a fantastic looking dish on your first try. We would all be proud of those results, no matter how many times it's been cooked before.
Well that does it! I’ve been wanting a live fire grill (Santa Maria, Argentine, whichever style) and now I *have* to have one. Now to convince my other half...
If you wouldn't have said it I wouldn't have believed it was your first try. That is a cool cooker but, I think the only way me to cook like that would be over the fire pit with something I rig up. Bullpen is getting pretty full. Now another dish I have to try :grin:
Ya gotta love carne mid rare :hungry: Usually at restaurants around here you have no choice, meat is so thin it’s always well done.

Pico also got my attention. Nice! :clap2: