Favorite Fattie Recipe

Meat & Heat

Knows what a fatty is.
May 17, 2012
So I have been chosen to make a few fatties for New Years Day for friends and family.
Looking for a few fresh ideas in the fattie department.
What are your favorite or most unusual fattie recipes?
I don't stuff mine anymore, chub of sausage and hit the top with some Yardbird and I am good to go.

The scotch egg fatty was my go to when I was getting fancy with it.

If you must stuff your fatty...
Eggs and has browns are great for breakfast
I saw someone stuff one with a slice of pecan pie that I want to try some time..
Italian sausage stuffed with spinach and mozzarella or provolone.
Ruben fatty - use bratwursts as the sausage.
I once did a cheesesteak fatty - that was tasty...

The sky is the limit - have fun!
That breakfast fattie has me droolin all over my keyboard.

lol Thanks for saying that. I know some are pretty tired of seeing my fatties.
I make the same kind every time.. it's my favorite. :redface::-D