Eye Round as Steaks?



My local pathmark has the choice eye rounds on sale for $1.59/lb, approx 6-7lbs each. I can steak them i guess, but are they any good? I eat so little steak because of price. Just wondering if anyone has any experience with these.

i could make a roast out of one easy i guess too.. but eye roasts are usually dry and boring.
Why not try smoking it as a roast, then pull it off and cut into steaks, then grill them for the finish sear?
you can steak them, but they are not going to be real tender unless sliced very thin, also make sure they are not cooked past medium rare, otherwise you will have a tough piece of meat on your hands. I cooked a round roast the other day and cooked him indirect to about 100 degrees internal..took him off and cranked up the temp on the Primo and seared all sides until 120 degrees...took off and rested for awhile....once cooled I put him in the fridge overnight and then sliced him up very thin for beef sammiches....eye round will be similar...
I think they make chicken fried steak with them. Pond them tender or have the butcher do it for you and then fry them up.
cook as a roast but don't exceed medium! medium rare is even better. Try putting some kosher salt on outside of one then wrap in plastic for 24 hrs. pat excess salt off then season and smoke/roast. slice very thin! I usually sear mine on outside then go low and slow.