Do you have a Blog, YouTube Channel or similar? Please list it here.

To start a blog? nothing but time. Blogspot will host for free. Or I fond Wordpress to be very easy to use and get going with.
The hardest part may be trying to find a name that is not taken.


I started off on blogspot. It was fine at first, but wordpress is better. The only start up cost is a domain name and that could be less than $10/year. Get the domain name and then you can mask the name of the site with the domain name rather than, it will just read as

Mine cost me nothing until the food editor of the St. Louis Post Dispatch contacted me about writing an article about me. That's when I went from Blogspot to Wordpress and went with a paid hosting site. I also incorporated and got insurance. That was a good $1,000. Factor in yearly incorporation fees, hosting fees, an accountant to do the taxes, my costs are about $1,000, but I've already made that and more in just three months. And that's without launching an apparel line or going with an iPhone app, which are both in the works...
my blog may take a nifty turn here real soon seems 5.11 tactical needs some more reviews out in the bloggerspace so i volunteered to review some of their products on my blog, could get fun!!