Do you find comment cards useful or do they give you a good laugh/headache

After getting 7 in elk grove im not commenting. ok I will....4th chick 2nd ribs first pork 3rd brisket and 3rd on my table. I got rgc....Most of them rankled me and still do. "glorious, near perfect fabulous color, superb tenderness, maybe a tad more flavor at the center" 998....I thought my tenderness are superb. Near perfect? a 9 is excellent. ON pork where I was one digit from a 180 the sixth judge gave me a 788 and no comment all 5 of the other judges cgave me a 9 in appearance...a 7? no comment?card. I believe that they should be carbon copied and reviewed by the reps
I'll also add I haven't had a comment card in the last 4-6 months and the last one was on a surprise 180 that just said great 999...

I had one that was 999 and said "Now that's a DAMN rib!!!!!".

Made me feel better about the guy that gave me 856 for the same ribs.