DIY Charcoal



Anybody ever do it yourself on making lump charcoal?
I bought a garbage can(metal) and have just burned off about 30 lbs.
I saw a lot of water and tar come out of the lid when I covered it up, is this normal?
I'm sure there are brothers here who have your answer.
Please head over to cattle call and introduce yourself.
This is more of a post for q-talk.
thats condensation and soot and all the impurities that are burning off... perfectly normal as long as its just what amounts to condensation. should ..... some could be steaming if the wood is wet and it has to burn off.

no one ever said making your own lump is not gonna be messy. :)
I make charcoal by putting wood in my firebox and then burning it. The only problem is that when I am all done, all I have left is ash.:biggrin: