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somebody shut me the fark up.

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Batch Image
Oct 12, 2008
Gallatin, TN
Name or Nickame
Our new TD category is...



This was thirdeye's winning entry in the 2009 Beans TD.

As chosen by SmokinAussie for winning the "Recycled Pork" Throwdown.


SmokinAussie said:
I had a theme in mind that I though had never been done, but while trolling back through the halls of flame, I came across it... 2009, WEEK 30 BEANS, won by ThirdEye with a damn fine entry!

So here it is: Holy Frijoles! It's BEANS!

1) Your entry photo must display beans in a prominent manner. All other standard rules apply, yada yada yada.

2) A SPOON SHOT, either as the entry photo, or within the cook thread just so we can all see those delectable delicious beans in a single mouthful.

3) I don't give a stuff if those beans are out of a can, or if you grew them yourself, dried and soaked them or whatever. I don't give a stuff if you have them vegetarian or with a ton of pork belly if rule 1 and 2 are met.

4) This is the most important rule: HAVE FUN!



You may submit entries that are cooked from Friday 9/19 through the entry submission deadline of 12 p.m. Central US Time on Monday 9/29/14.

Entry pictures must be submitted by 12 p.m. Central US Time on Monday 9/29.

Click here to READ THE RULES for the BBQ Brethren Throwdown...

Click here to READ THE RULES for the BBQ Brethren Throwdown...

The ENTRY and VOTE threads will follow Q-Talk rules, meaning QUALITY ON-TOPIC discussion of the category or entries only, please. Discussion is encouraged to take place in the DISCUSSION THREAD, but if you want a recipe, or are looking for details or have QUALITY ON-TOPIC comments to make about an entry or the category you can make them in the ENTRY or VOTE thread. Non-quality posts that are made here will be deleted and the offending member will be asked why they couldn't just post in the DISCUSSION thread instead, and in extreme cases or repeat offenders, disciplinary action WILL happen.

Best of luck and even better eats to all!

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Got a bowl of Charro Beans on the way! Bean gas will follow. Probably quiet in here cause the GAS drove everyone away!

Let's get this Bean Fiesta going. My official entry, Charro Beans de Bob! There is an old Mexican joke about why Mexicans don't have cookouts...........cause the beans keep falling through the grate! :shock::-D So, I used my Grandma's old bean pot and my trusty Coleman stove. Gorgeous day. Whole neighborhood smelled of pintos boiling away.
Play by play aqui:


Beto Beans!
Please accept this as my official entry to the "Beans" Throwdown.

I had Earl going for the day and thought beans would make a nice side.

While the PSB was getting happy, so was I.


Once the PSB was closing in on getting ready, I worked on the beans.

The bean players:


That's the leftover Jimmy Dean Hot naked fatty rubbed with Plowboys Yardbird from my breakfast and an orange bell pepper I threw on the grate for a bit.

Chopped it all up and threw it in a pan.



Getting close!




The PSB was a hit once again and so were the beans...I had to go back for seconds of each and dumped them on top of each other! Nice mix! Please use the shot below as my entry shot...

Please accept this official entry into the "Beans!" TD.

This is my official entry titled, "Too long baked navy beans".

It started innocently enough. I wanted to make a fabulous 'from scratch' bean entry, something tasty and healthy, that would propel myself onto the next level of bean eating. I got propelled alright, just not the way I expected. :oops:

Two pounds of dried navy beans soaked in cold water about 18 hours. Rinsed and turned out into a roasting pan.

A medium onion and ¾ of a large green pepper chopped smallish, sauteed in grapeseed oil and tossed on the beans. Originally I had planned to fry this in my homemade bacon, but after careful consideration, I thought if it turned out it would be great to share with my spiritual discussion group, but most of them are vegetarians…… so grapeseed oil. :hand:

Three very ripe field tomatoes whizzed around and added.

Spices were fresh ground corriander, cumin and black pepper, ⅛ tsp smoked hot paprika, granulated garlic and onion, smidgeon of celery seed, molasses, mustard powder. I didn't have any cartons of vegetable stock left so I used apple juice for simmering. When the 2 litre/quart bottle was finished I used water to about another 2 litres. They cooked a very long time and went through a lot of liquid topping up.

Hey, wait….. what's that poking out from the edge of the roasting pan of vegetarian beans?

Brisket point!! :whoo:

Finished bowl of beans.

Spoon shot and voting photo below.

Now comes the part where I ask my brethren and sistren to help me trouble-shoot the 'al dente' texture of these beans. Is it me, am I unreasonably expecting the texture to be like canned beans? I tried cooking beans once from scratch many, many years ago, I remember they soaked overnight and almost overflowed the pot, but other than that, I don't remember what I made or how they turned out. I do remember reading that salt added to some kinds of beans before they are tender will prevent them from reaching tenderness. Works for me, I cook without salt for my spouse and add salt to my own plate. I smoked them outside from about 3:30 pm at 250°F until the fire died down after midnight. Still hard. Put them in the oven overnight at 225°F. Woke up in the morning, still hard. Continued to add liquid, continued to cook, continued to be hard. Continued to bake them in the oven to the second morning. Still hard. Pretty much cooked them a day and a half and added about a gallon of liquid altogether.

I've read that if dry beans are old you can't cook them long enough to get them tender. Is this what my problem is? I don't like it if that is. I think of dry beans as an emergency staple, and being dry, I expect them to be able to store for a few years or at least 3. I didn't record the date of purchase and I really don't know how old they are. Is there a way to bring back too old dry beans? Soak them for 3 days before cooking? Use a pressure cooker? Boil them on the stove in water 6 hours before baking with seasoning and vegetables? I'm going to try this again but maybe with half a pound next time.

Thank you to anyone that is able to help me figure this out.

And thanks for looking!

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I dont know much about beans kathy but one time i dumped a cup of them into a pot of chili and they took like 10 hrs too get tender. My girlfriend laughed at me and said "what the expert cook didnt know you have to soak them?" Sorry i cant help but i figured misery loves company.
Pulled Pork Sliders with Wampus’s Peach Bourbon Baked Beans

With Football in full swing I wanted to make some Football / Tailgate food.
(Recipe can be found here:

Beans are done after 3.5 hours

Plated up with some Pulled Pork Sliders on Kings Hawaiian rolls , cole slaw and a Rogue Hazelnut Brown Nectar Ale.

Spoon Shot

Money Shot. (Please use the picture below as my polling photo)

Off the charts good! :becky:

The entire cook thread can be seen here:
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