Christmas Brisket - Thanks Brethren!

Fo Sizzle My Nizzle

is one Smokin' Farker
Jul 9, 2012
My parents asked that I cook a brisket for our family's Christmas dinner. Had a 15 lb CAB choice from Sam's. This was my second attempt using Popdaddy's tri-level process and was my best attempt yet minus a small mishap dropping the damn thing in the snow.

Best part of the whole cook was getting to have my dad with me during the slicing and taste testing the differences between the flat and point. Nothing like a father's approval. I saved most of the point to split with dad for snacking on today. Other than the test subjects from my household, everyone was shocked that I could produce such delights including toffee, white chocolate/macadamian nut/cranberry cookies, and pumpkin cheesecake. Great night with the family for sure.

I'd like to thank all the brethren for the knowledge shared on this site and more specifically Bigabyte, Boshizzle, and Pitmaster T for being the basis on my short but wonderful brisket journey thus far. Thanks yall!

Man that looks great! Just picked up a brisket today from Sam's going to smoke it this weekend.... Hope it turns out like yours!