Chicken and Apples


Knows what a fatty is.
Jun 13, 2011
Greetings Brethren and Sistren.

I have been away for a while. It's been busy, but I have found some time to burn some charcoal. Over the weekend, the wife drug me out apple picking. I have to admit I don't get it. But, we did get a nice big bag of apples. So, I decided to grill them, along with some brined drummies.

So, to start, I brined a dozen drumsticks of 90 minutes or so. Then I set them in the kettle at 350. About 30 minutes before I planned to pull the chicken, I split the apples in half and brushes on some melted butter. Then I sprinkled them with cinnamon and sugar and set them in the kettle with the chicken. Half the drummies are rubbed in jerk spices and the other half rolled in Anchor Bar Hot Sauce.

I let them go for about a half an hour, until they were just getting "tender." Pulled them off with the chicken and served them up with some steamed broccoli and home made potato chips.

It was tasty. I think next time I make them (did I mention we go a LOT of apples), I will quarter the apples, butter them and leave them on the grill for 25 or 30 minutes before adding the sugar. I think this will make them more tender.

Thanks for looking!