Chargriller Pro replacement charcoal grate


Full Fledged Farker
May 29, 2011
So the charcoal grate in the SFB on my chargriller pro. I have done some reading, and I am going to replace it with expanded metal. I am thinking about putting two pieces of expanded metal on top of each other for the new charcoal grate. Being a complete Noob about things like this, I am wondering if 18 gauge is going to be thick enough, or is it just going to melt like the stock charcoal grate did.

Any thoughts?
I thought about that. I am not so handy in that department. I am actually having a friend of mine cut the metal for me to make a grate out of it.... I might have to reconsider though. I had seen that thread, and did give it some thought.

Do you have the diagram that they posted on that thread, or did you just eyeball it