Can you identify this?

Wood kinda looks like hickory, but the bark doesn't. Maybe shagbark hickory, but the bark flaps don't look shaggy enough. What does it smell like, and what did the leaves look like?
No leaves... friend of mine was getting a cord of wood, the guy delivering said he'd set aside some hickory and inlude it...

Delivery comes and its dumped in a huge pile. I'lm trying to figure out what's hickory... and I have no knowlege whatsoever...

There is other wood that has a darker color, and smoother bark. and ther is some wood that has a more orange/red look to it. I sound lost... mostly because I am.
Not pecan.

Looks more like pine or Doulas Fir? I posted the pictures over at an arborist forum I hang out at. I'll let you know if they say something.
From your description of the other woods, if you did get some hickory, that would be the one. The grain looks like hickory. Hickory would be one of the lighter, a;most light blond woods. If the reddish wood smrlls sour, like puke, then it's probably red oak. It's not pecan because there's no color shift toward the bark and the bark plates are too large.

If you light some and send me some smoke I can tell you for sure.
The bark looks exactly like a pine tree I've got growing in my back yard. Are you sure it's a hardwood? What's it smell like when it burns?

The bark does look like pine, but the grain looks too coarse. That and surely he would be able to tell if it were pine just by smelling it.
Thanks very much... its going in the truck now.

Its not pine, that's the only wood I can actually identify. Its also about 20x heavier by size than pine...

I haven't burned any yet but will give it a try in the firepit tonight. Thanks for the help.
its not pine... its hard wood... I know that much
Missed the "not pine" post.

If it came in a batch with some wood that is reddish orange at the heart, it might be from a choke cherry tree. Some of the older cherry trees in my yard (lots of cr*p in my yard) grow a very rough bark on some parts of the tree. Sometimes the outer section of a log has a lighter color than the inside. The bark doesn't look quite like what I'm used to seeing.

I just went out into the yard and looked at the hickory, apple, maple and cherry. There is an old cherry with bark that that might look like your picture, if I wasn't looking at it on the tree. Nothing else comes close.
that looks like cherry in most of the pictures, except the ones with white wood(looks like oak). If that is not a very tight grain descriptive of oak, then it IS cherry.

If it smells like puke, its the tannins in the wood and its definately oak.

Take a split, and put it on top of a hot firebox for a while. Once it heats up real goo, then smell it, cherry is distinctvly sweet and oak/hickory smells nutty.
Like Pooh said, when it heats up real "goo", smell it.
I was leaning towards live oak.
The grain makes it look like the red oak we have here in PA. Maybe it's just the pic. I'd burn some to be sure by the aroma first.