Broke my redhead in tonight



Ribeyes, pan fried taters, and my favorite side veggie dish--- fire roasted corn with mushrooms, red peppers, orange peppers, and zucchini seasoned with fresh garlic, S&P, butter, canola oil, and weber veggie seasoning. Taters were seasoned with S&P and hatch chili powder and cooked in canola oil. Ribeyes were brushed with canola oil and seasoned with tatonka dust.

Fire roasted the corn first so it would have time to simmer with the veggie mix. It got dark when I cooked the steaks so I only had a pic of mine plated. The redhead performed great. She is a beaut and a keeper for sure!

Two zone fire with KB:

Lid on and warming up:

Corn on:

Veggies simmering waiting for the corn:

Plated up:

Thanks fer lookin
Wow she cleaned up nice!

she sure did! i just ordered new legs and wheels for her today. i will post some updated pics when i get her all put back together. i am holding off on the replacement wood handle by brian because i was able to preserve the original one.

Between my blue OTG and my redhead kettle, i spent a whopping $15 total to acquire them($5 for the blue and $10 for the read--- a steal!). i added a thermometer to my OTG and then the ash tray/leg/wheel kit and the new hinged cooking grate to the redhead. all in all i have invested about $70 total for two awesome kettles :mrgreen: