British BBQ Society Southern Championship- Grand Champions


Quintessential Chatty Farker
Dec 15, 2007
British BBQ Society Southern Championship-

GC Dr Sweetsmoke
RGC Ryan’os Ribs

I tanked in brisket but managed enough points with a first in pork,ribs and sauce then a third in chicken.
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It was a VERY busy weekend, cooking on the new rig and camping on Friday with the family straight after work then driving almost two hours to the comp then returning to the camp site to family and friends.
I need a larger van and to remember my sleeping bag!!


It was great to bring home the win but the best cook of the weekend was my 14 year old son. He man-handled the 250 (unnamed cooker) keeping everyone fed with lunch and dinner back at the campsite. Big man did burgers, sausages and chicken.

Wow...way to go Dr. I have to be honest and say that I was unaware that they had BBQ comps across the pond.
Thanks brothers :cool:
Funny thing if you look at the first picture you can see the mat in the back of the van where I was sleeping, the little orange/red heater on the table kept my feet I woke up hugging a bag of lump wood. HAHAHAHAH!

Next stop-
BBBQS Northern Championship
This exciting event will be taking place at Rother Valley Country Park, Mansfield Road, Wales Bar, Sheffield, S26 5PQ on the 25th & 26th July 2009.
This weekend Rother Valley not only hosts the British BBQ Society Northern Championship but also their “Party in the Park” weekend with an estimated footfall of 40,000.
To add to the excitement we are adding an additional category to the competition;-
Peoples choice category
With produce supplied by a sponsor, cooks prepare & sell the result to the general public. With each sale a voting form is given to the customer which allows the general public to vote on the winner. Sales will be split 50 /50 between the competitors and BBBQS to subsidise teams and BBBQS Costs.
The Ultimate Prize!
The rumours are true! The Jack Daniel’s Distillery will be hosting one of the world’s most prestigious events, the Jack Daniels Invitational, Lynchburg, Tennessee in October, and they have guaranteed a place for the British BBQ Society National Grand Champion, The British BBQ Society is aware of the huge expense to the team granted this honour and is currently searching for sponsors to aid the British BBQ Society's Grand Champion in challenging the Americans in their own back yard..
Wow...a Jack invite is huge!!! And the chance to beat an American team at...well..american Q....priceless!!
Wow...a Jack invite is huge!!! And the chance to beat an American team at...well..american Q....priceless!!
What's even better is I would be an American representing England in America. :lol: How ironic eh? lol
What's even better is I would be an American representing England in America. :lol: How ironic eh? lol

Yeah..that is actually rather hilarious!! Maybe you shpuld fake the accent if you get the invite!! :biggrin:
Congratulations!! Out of curiosity, how well known is BBq known in the U.K.?
BBQ started in Ireland not America.

It's not well know at all here as far as getting it right but I'm on the chain gang to get it to the top of the list. It can only be good for the sport. :cool: