Brisket - Night Train in a Dark Closet - Barbarian's try at the experiment



Okay, had the time to try the experiment today. Put the flat on at 1.40pm PDT (for you east coast guys) at 275*, used only salt and pepper. Now you gotta wait 5 hours just like me for the first (hopefully good) pron. Then back into the oven for the broiler cook then more pron and finally slice and eat time with more pron.
Well if you catch a plane now . . . . . . . .
You would still be to late, lol.
4 to 4.5 hrs...per the directions. ;-) It might make a difference
Barbarian... after what I just went through with 450 lbs of brisket, your's is the onbly one I wanna see.
Okay, just pulled it from the broiler part of the experiment. Will take more pics and post after eating.
Okay, very interesting experiment for me. Yeah it tasted pretty much like mom used to make. Our oven does not seem to be accurate I found out near the end of the cook from my wife, it cooked at about 260* instead of 275*. So it was tender but probably could have gone a bit longer. I followed the experiment directions and waited until 15 minutes rest time after the broiler was up before using the probe. I now know pretty much what it should feel like. Gonna try for a bit softer feel with the next one.

I was worried from the start about it being salty when using 3 tbs of George Clinton and 2 tbs Larry Graham. We are not really into salty tasting food, we never add salt to anything on the table. But it was not salty at all, the taste of the beef really came through.

Yeah, one slice was thin, my wife did not want a 1 inch thick slice. Oh well.


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The experiment was well worth it both on the texture side of things and the Clinton/Graham or rub side of things. I will try another flat on my drum with only Clinton and Graham to get that taste also. I did miss the smoke flavor that you get on a smoker. I will also probably try for the 275* temp range next time also.

Damned if I ain't feelin' a little funky . . . . . . . . ZZ Top funky but funky.